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Kelly is one of our newer consultants, joining the team in 2021. Having started working in the travel industry in 1999 she brings with her decades of experience and has also travelled extensively, so has plenty of first-hand knowledge too. She’s explored much of Europe, has visited places as far flung as the Maldives and Australia, but her firm favourite is the USA where she’s spent time living and has visited on many occasions.

Kelly loves to chat and is always keeping the office entertained with her stories and antics. She’s definitely the life and sole on a staff night out, but she has a softer side too and would do anything for any of the team. She is always there to listen and really cares about her clients, and would have no hesitation in doing whatever a client asked of her.

What do you like to do when you’re not at work?

Spending time with my family and friends, especially my son Jack. Going to the theatre and to concerts. Watching a good film or series, nice meals out and going on holiday of course 😊

What are your essential items that you take with you on holiday?

Phone, money, passport & tea bags, because I like a good cup of tea!

If you were stranded on a desert island which celebrity would you choose to be with?

Captain Jack Sparrow – We would drink Rum, find treasure and when we have run out of food, Jack would be able to find us a way off the island.


Las Vegas

San Francisco

San Diego









Portugal & Madeira



Dominican Republic



New Zealand

